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Modern Botanical Art: painting, graphics, sculpture” by Anna Aleshina

Modern Botanical Art: painting, graphics, sculpture by Anna Aleshina
Publisher: Bombora, 2021

Black & White

Black and White: graphics in botanucal art - exhibition catalogue, Moscow, 2021

Heaven Eyes

Heaven Eyes by David Almond - 2020

A young adult novel “Heaven Eyes” by award-winning author David Almond with my cover and illustrations, published by Kachelly publishing house.
24 half-page illustrations, 30 small illustrations for chapters, sketches for endpapers. 

Available at

Panacea Flower

Revived Panacea Flower: medicinal plants - echibition catalogue, Moscow, 2020
SABA annual botanical art exhibition

Flower Splashes

Flower Splashes - exhibition cataloque - 2020
The Sochi Art Museum, Sochi, Russia
18 September -  11 December 2020

View online

Endangered Beauty catalogue

Endangered Beauty: Red Data Book plants of the world - exhibition catalogue
6th Moscow Exhibition of Botanical Art and Illustration, 2019


Magazine43, Issue 7​, 24.04.2019, p6-7

Preview online


Servify, 10.02.2017

14 Tech Gifts Perfect For Him On Valentine’s Day

Read online, 24.07.2017

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Psychosocial Assessment in Mental Health

Psychosocial Assessment in Mental Health - April 2017

My drawing Birds is on the cover of Psychosocial Assessment in Mental Health by Steve Trenoweth, Nicola Moone.

Available on Amazon

Bamboo by Melissa Geddes Newbound

Bamboo by Melissa Geddes Newbound - Feb 2017

The children's book Bamboo by Melissa Geddes Newbound with my illustrations is released in Fabruary 2017 and available on Amazon.

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Art Attacks

Art Attacks!  15.09.2016

Read online 

PinkBus interview

PinkBus interview - 07.07.2016


Read online 


Vivid, issue 1, 2016, p. 26-29


Artbook mania

Artbook mania, issue #10(10) March 2016

Online version

Pocketful Illustration Magazine, issue 11, 2015

Pocketful Illustration Magazine, issue 11, 2015, "Behind the moon... Beyond the rain..."


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Pocketful 2

Pocketful Illustration Magazine, issue 9, 2014

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FEATURING, issue 4, 2013


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Artflow Magazine, issue 12, 2012


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Sketchbook Project Limited Edition Book Vol 1, 2012 

Time Out 2

Time Out St. Petersburg #2(240), 2012

Time Out 1

Time Out St. Petersburg #25(237), 2011

Pocketful Illustration Magazine

Pocketful Illustration Magazine, Issue 7 : Second to the right, and straight on till morning

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Spoonful Magazine, issue #8

Spoonful Magazine, issue #8

My drawing Red Carnation is published in Spoonful Magazine. 

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Translation in English by Ray Battams:

Aleksandra Kabakova is a talented artist from St. Petersburg. Her work - it's mostly black-and-white graphics, is very touching and melancholy. Simple lines, clear images and stories, compositional brevity - all this conveys the beauty and fragility of nature, the importance of the moment and imprinted incredibly inspiring the viewer.
The main subjects of paintings by Aleksandra are trees and birds. According to the artist, the trees for her people, everyone is unique and beautiful, with its own characteristics. Birds also play an important role: "I love to paint birds, I love them from childhood ... The birds are absolutely amazing creatures .. their feathers are so light and fragile as the petals of flowers. They are free to soar above the earth, seeing our world from a bird's eye view. "
To create her moving works, Aleksandra uses pen, ink, pencil and watercolour. The talented combination of all of these tools, a unique view of the world and a special mood are the ingredients for success by Aleksandra Kabakova.